Ford Escape: SYNC™ 3 (If Equipped) / Phone
WARNING: Driving while distracted
can result in loss of vehicle control, crash
and injury. We strongly recommend that
you use extreme caution when using any
device that may take your focus off the
road. Your primary responsibility is the
safe operation of your vehicle. We
recommend against the use of any
hand-held device while driving and
encourage the use of voice-operated
systems when possible. Make sure you
are aware of all applicable local laws
that may affect the use of electronic
devices while driving.
Check the compatibility of your device on
the regional website.
USB Ports
The USB ports are located in the media bin
under the instrument panel.
This feature allows you to plug in USB
media devices, memory sticks, flash drives
or thumb drives, and charge devices if they
support this feature...
Go to the settings menu on your cell phone
and switch Bluetooth on.
Select the phone option on the
feature bar.
Select Add Phone.Note: A prompt alerts you to search for
vehicle on your cell phone...
Other information:
Removal steps in this procedure may contain installation details.
If installing a new HVAC module, it is necessary to upload the module
configuration information to the scan tool prior to removing the HVAC
module. This information must be downloaded into the new HVAC module
after installation...
Special Tool(s) /
General Equipment
Resistance Spotwelding Equipment
Hot Air Gun
8 mm Drill Bit
MIG/MAG Welding Equipment
Spot Weld Drill Bit
Locking Pliers
Metal Bonding AdhesiveTA-1, TA-1-B, 3M™ 08115, LORD Fusor® 108B, Henkel Teroson EP 5055
Flexible Foam Repair3M™ 08463, LORD Fusor® 121