Ford Escape Manuals

Ford Escape: Seatbelts

Child Safety Locks

WARNING: You cannot open the rear doors from inside if you have put the child safety locks on. A child safety lock is on the rear edge of each rear door...

Seatbelt Precautions

WARNING: Always drive and ride with your seatback upright and the lap belt snug and low across the hips. WARNING: Children must always be properly restrained...

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Ford Escape 2020-2024 Service Manual: Removal and Installation - Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Sensor

Removal   WARNING: The Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) sensor battery may release hazardous chemicals if exposed to extreme mechanical damage. If these chemicals contact the skin or eyes, flush immediately with water for a minimum of 15 minutes and get prompt medical attention...

Ford Escape 2020-2024 Service Manual: Description and Operation - Parking Brake - System Operation and Component Description

System Operation System Diagram E364577 *.sttxt { visibility: hidden; } *.stcallout { visibility: visible; } 1 Parking Brake Control Switch 2 LH Parking Brake Actuator Motor 3 RH Parking Brake Actuator Motor ..


Engine Oil

Engine Oil Dipstick Overview

Ford Escape. Engine Oil

Minimum. Maximum.

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