Ford Escape: Parking Aid - Vehicles With: Active Park Assist / General Procedures - Azimuth System Check
Car shown, trucks are similar.
Turn the ignition ON, engine OFF.
Set the parking brake on.
For automatic transmission place the selector lever in
DRIVE (D). For manual transmission place the gearshift lever in FIRST
Place the test objects in position shown in the diagram. Refer to specifications in this section.
Monitor the suspect active park assist sensor Parameter
Identifications (PIDs) to verify the module detects the objects when
placed within the specified locations and record the distances.
Confirm the recorded distances are within the specification ranges.
If the active park assist system does not detect the objects, refer to diagnosis and testing in this section.
Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Chart
Diagnostics in this manual assume a certain skill level and knowledge of Ford-specific diagnostic practices. REFER to: Diagnostic Methods (100-00 General Information, Description and Operation)...
LH side shown, RH side similar.
Remove the front wheel and tire.
Refer to: Wheel and Tire (204-04A Wheels and Tires, Removal and Installation)...
Other information:
Audio System Precautions
WARNING: Driving while distracted
can result in loss of vehicle control, crash
and injury. We strongly recommend that
you use extreme caution when using any
device that may take your focus off the
road. Your primary responsibility is the
safe operation of your vehicle...
Removal steps in this procedure may contain installation details.
Loosen the clamp and position aside the air cleaner outlet pipe.
44 (5 Nm)
Remove the following items:
Dislodge and position aside the air cleaner intake pipe...