Ford Escape Manuals
Ford Escape 2020-2024 Service Manual / Chassis / Driveline / Rear Drive Axle/Differential

Ford Escape: Driveline / Rear Drive Axle/Differential

Removal and Installation - Rear Driveshaft

Special Tool(s) / General Equipment Flat Headed Screw Driver Punch Copper Hammer Removal Remove the muffler and tailpipe...


  Materials Name Specification XY-75W-QL - Motorcraft® Disconnect Rear Drive Unit Fluid - Premium Long-Life Grease XG-1-E1 ESA-M1C75-B   Capacities Item Liters   Material: Motorcraft® Disconnect Rear Drive Unit Fluid / XY-75W-QL 0...

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Ford Escape 2020-2024 Service Manual: Removal and Installation - Brake Caliper

Removal   WARNING: Service actions on vehicles equipped with electronic brake booster and electronic parking brakes may cause unexpected brake application, which could result in injury to hands or fingers. Put the brake system into service mode prior to servicing or removing any brake components...

Ford Escape 2020-2024 Service Manual: General Procedures - Piston Ring End Gap

Special Tool(s) / General Equipment Feeler Gauge Check NOTE: Refer to the appropriate Section 303-01 for the specification. NOTE: Use care when fitting piston rings to avoid possible damage to the piston ring or the cylinder bore...


Symbols Glossary

These are some of the symbols you may see on your vehicle.

Ford Escape. Symbols Glossary Air conditioning system

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